Shop 6 / 660 Toohey Rd
Salisbury QLD 4107
Skin Check
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Australia. At least 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before they turn 70 . In our sunshine state, Queensland, you are exposed to more risks that you are aware of.
The services we provide for sunspots, dysplastic moles, and various skin cancers, but not limited are:
Early skin cancer detection
Skin care education
Skin care management
Surgical and non-surgical procedures
Your doctor will discuss treatment plans with you directly.
We are making things easier for you to get your skin checked! If you believe you have a suspicious mole or lesion that requires evaluation from a doctor, please contact us on 07-32742888.
Cardiac and diabetic health assessments available
Physical examinations and health assessments, focusing on monitoring cardiac health and diabetes risk factors, are now available.
If you or your loved ones are concerned, have related family history of chronic diseases or have noticed any factors that start to impact on your life, please do not hesitate to contact us for a general check-up.
Bulkbilled appointments available. Feel free to book in via phone 07 32742888 or online at
The annual assessments are highly recommended for age groups 40-50 and >75.
Q FEVER is an baterial infection spread to humans from domestic and wild animals, mainly cattle, sheep and goats. It can cause a severe flu-like illness and longterm health concerns. Most infections occur from breathing in air or dust with Q fever bacteria from animal tissues or secretions.
Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection and is recommended for those who work, lives in or visit high risk environments.
Who should be vaccinated (Medicare recommendations):
Abattoir workers
Agricultural college staff and students
Animal refugee workers
Animal transporters
Cat and dog breeders
Laboratory workers who can be exposed to C.burnetii
Stockyard workers
Vets/ vet nurses/ vet students
Wildlife and zoo workers
Other people exposed to high-risk animals
Please book an appointment for your pre-vaccination screening.